I’m So Done With Politics

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From now on, when it comes to discussing or debating politics with people in the upper quadrants (see graphic), I’m quickly switching to sports, weather, food, or cat videos.

What happened to everyone?

Five years ago, pertaining to politics, the average American was underinformed and unemotional; a few souls were smart, but they weren’t hysterical.

Not today. Mention Trump or Kamala and the conversation goes sideways. So many of my friends are triggered by headlines, tweets, and posts. I have to start conversations with innocuous facts or ancient history (pre-Trump or pre-Brexit). Merely mentioning word combinations that contradict their beliefs and BAM, voices go up, temples bulge, and the propaganda flows.

I’m giving up political conversation with emotional people; the underinformed are peasants with pitchforks; and the informed are simply zealots.

When I say “peasants”, I mean they think ‘their’ billionaires are more virtuous. Really?

And the zealots, they have all the information; it just failed to inoculate them from being [party] tools that can't’ see both sides.

The happiest people in the diagram barely know, barely care, don’t use social media, live life, raise children, work, play, succeed, or fail...all without political discourse. I’m convinced these are the special people who invent, grow, and run big, important things; they're the humans with the most capacity to love and be loved. I’m ready to be special. Kudos to the low information voter!

However, It would be nice to have an unemotional conversation with someone well-informed, but all these people moved into the northern quadrants, or they live in faraway places...like Mars.

Goodby politics. From now on, we're talking about cat videos.


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